Church AGM Reports
AGM March 2023
Ministers Report
Last year my report focused on the value of friendship and I suggested that we didn’t over programme our Church life, but get to know each other as Christian brothers and sisters. Social outings such as the visit to Bullion Chocolate Factory, the bowls afternoon at Crookes Social Club and the meals that Darryl has organised at the Crosspool Tavern have helped with this. I have also been heartened to hear how people have extended invitations to plays and get-togethers to people in the Church. Mary Milner opened her home for an Advent Bible study, and we hope others will offer to host one-off studies. Lent anyone?
A number of people in our fellowship have been seriously ill this year and our Christian friendship has been shown in visits, phone-calls, practical help and prayer. Connie and James Chapman have used ‘WhatsApp’ as a way of communicating with the fellowship since James’ cancer diagnosis and that has inspired us to establish a Church WhatsApp Prayer and News Group.
One key feature of 2023 is the increased involvement of others in weekly worship. I am very grateful to those who have added their names on the rota to read the Bible, lead our prayers of intercession or help with refreshments afterwards. I would love it if even more people to took part so don’t be surprised if I contact you and ask if you’d like to prepare something. Of course, you can always say no. This year also saw the first performance of our fledgling drama group as part of our Harvest services. Again, hopefully something we can revisit. We also value our volunteer organists and those who look after the sound and record the service. Our Harvest Soup Service, Maundy Thursday Service and Church and Congregational Federation Anniversary Services stand out and not just because they involved food. I was very sorry to have missed Loxley Silver Band at Christmas due to Covid-19.
We were also blessed to have the wedding of Rebecca Lomas and Daniel Bernstein this year. Some of us also travelled to York to witness Tim and Natasha Johnston renew their vows in a public ceremony after a very private wedding due to pandemic restrictions. It was a deep privilege to be part of both services.
It was a privilege in a different way to be asked to conduct the funeral of William Gowlett, a one year old who had died at Sheffield Children’s Hospital. I was so proud of my Church that day and how you did everything you could to show your care for Billy’s parents even though you didn’t know them. We also said goodbye to Dorothy Davies who led a life full of adventures and I thank Darryl for leading that service as I was on annual leave abroad and it was the only time the family could do.
This year many things have resumed fully. We ran ‘What Makes Tapton Tick’ again and Mary Milner came into membership. Festivals services have taken place at King’s Court and Porterbrook and very recently I’ve returned to conducting assemblies at Lydgate Junior School. We took part in the Crosspool Festival with the Silent Film Evening. The new Vicar at St Columba and Stephen Hill Rev Tracey Morris, Steve Ellis and I are going to try and meet every 4 months to keep ecumenical conversations going in Crosspool.
After working at Sheffield Children’s Hospital for over 18 months I feel as if I’ve settled into a pattern of working for Tapton Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays and evenings as required. On average I meet up with 3 members of our fellowship for about 2 hours each, prepare 1 service, attend 1 group or meeting and spend a couple of hours on admin a week. As I’ve now got used to SCH and this new pattern and as we’ve emerged from the pandemic, I do feel it is time to do more. I want to be directed by the Spirit and Church as to what that ‘more’ for Tapton might look like. Our Church Away Morning has given me food for thought. There are strands that we can develop over the next few months. The desire to share faith stories and develop our collective prayer life came out very strongly as did the hope that we could be safe place together which would help us engage with the rest of the week.
Finally, as many of you know there has been a change in my personal circumstances this year and I bless you for upholding all the Nockels family and showing each of us such kindness.
All God’s blessings
Rev Suzanne Nockels
March 2023 AGM
This has been the first ‘normal’ year for a while and doesn’t seem that long since I wrote last year’s report which highlighted the transition between Covid times and opening up.
Since the last AGM Dot Davis unfortunately passed away. As Suzanne was on holiday I led the service at Hutcliffe Wood.
Church worship has continued with Suzanne leading the majority of Worship, with myself and a visiting preacher taking one Service per month. There is a mixture of fine musicianship on the organ and videos. Now for the first red flag, Suzanne has said her tenure is between seven and ten years. So maybe we need to think what’s next? Ministers and lay preachers are in ever reducing numbers, as are organists. Plus if the lay preacher path was one which Tapton went down organising them is quite a job.
Presently Worship and themes are very good and Suzanne and the visiting preachers are very good, but we need to be aware of the future.
As reported last time the building is 110 years old and in need of ongoing work. Thankfully over the years good stewardship has kept on top of major works and nothing has been left to rot which has needed a massive injection of cash.
During the year the main areas of development have been
Lighting and electrics, many thanks to Michael Cottyn for his time and expertise working to upgrade internal and external lighting and electrics. Undoubtedly this has saved the Church a lot of money and made great improvements.
Outside drains and fall pipes, many thanks to Graham Birch for the time spent with these, plus the other jobs Graham has done around the Church
The Tapton Hill Road corner was concreted using money from the Insurers, that Keith B sorted and a £1000 from the CF. This makes wheelchair access into the Church easier.
Thanks to Keith for ensuring a warm Church by working to have a new boiler installed. Plus a new oven to ensure food was warm.
Inside the Worship area things look a bit brighter following the redecoration. Following on from this there will be new carpet and the outside will be painted. This will give the Church a fresh look and may lead to greater use, and if not it will be brighter for the Tapton Congregation.
Together with the carpet, work needs to be done on the roof and a Defibrillator is to be fitted. Many thanks for the work undertaken by Keith N in helping the Church pick its way through from idea to being ready to purchase.
A great help towards the work and decorating was a gift of £36,000 from the closure of a Congregational Church in Brimmington, a sad way to acquire funds, but as was said in the agreement of acceptance, they need to be used for Congregational purposes.
There has been some fun stuff at Tapton this year;
Kite making for Pentecost
A very pleasant Sunday afternoon under Keith B’s gazebo with scones and tea
Silent film evening with live accompaniment
Bowling afternoon at the Crookes Club, many thanks to Kathryn and Michael for organising a great day.
We enjoyed a Wedding at Tapton in August
Trip to Scarborough for the NE Area Meet, plus a good day by the seaside with fish and chips
Tim and Natasha’s Wedding Blessing in N Yorks
May and December lunches at the Tavern
The Loxley Silver Band just before Christmas leading the Carol Service, unfortunately it was the worst day of the year for weather, but everyone enjoyed it and it broke even.
Plus there were the ongoing Church activities at Tapton, Table Tennis, Soup and Roll, Board Games.
Christmas was a good time at Tapton the excellently decorated front doors, many thanks to Tim and Natasha for providing a stunning work of art which lit the front of the Church up.
The 50th Anniversary of Congregational Federation was celebrated in December. We look forward to the next 50 years of the CF and Tapton
Last year my report focused on the value of friendship and I suggested that we didn’t over programme our Church life, but get to know each other as Christian brothers and sisters. Social outings such as the visit to Bullion Chocolate Factory, the bowls afternoon at Crookes Social Club and the meals that Darryl has organised at the Crosspool Tavern have helped with this. I have also been heartened to hear how people have extended invitations to plays and get-togethers to people in the Church. Mary Milner opened her home for an Advent Bible study, and we hope others will offer to host one-off studies. Lent anyone?
A number of people in our fellowship have been seriously ill this year and our Christian friendship has been shown in visits, phone-calls, practical help and prayer. Connie and James Chapman have used ‘WhatsApp’ as a way of communicating with the fellowship since James’ cancer diagnosis and that has inspired us to establish a Church WhatsApp Prayer and News Group.
One key feature of 2023 is the increased involvement of others in weekly worship. I am very grateful to those who have added their names on the rota to read the Bible, lead our prayers of intercession or help with refreshments afterwards. I would love it if even more people to took part so don’t be surprised if I contact you and ask if you’d like to prepare something. Of course, you can always say no. This year also saw the first performance of our fledgling drama group as part of our Harvest services. Again, hopefully something we can revisit. We also value our volunteer organists and those who look after the sound and record the service. Our Harvest Soup Service, Maundy Thursday Service and Church and Congregational Federation Anniversary Services stand out and not just because they involved food. I was very sorry to have missed Loxley Silver Band at Christmas due to Covid-19.
We were also blessed to have the wedding of Rebecca Lomas and Daniel Bernstein this year. Some of us also travelled to York to witness Tim and Natasha Johnston renew their vows in a public ceremony after a very private wedding due to pandemic restrictions. It was a deep privilege to be part of both services.
It was a privilege in a different way to be asked to conduct the funeral of William Gowlett, a one year old who had died at Sheffield Children’s Hospital. I was so proud of my Church that day and how you did everything you could to show your care for Billy’s parents even though you didn’t know them. We also said goodbye to Dorothy Davies who led a life full of adventures and I thank Darryl for leading that service as I was on annual leave abroad and it was the only time the family could do.
This year many things have resumed fully. We ran ‘What Makes Tapton Tick’ again and Mary Milner came into membership. Festivals services have taken place at King’s Court and Porterbrook and very recently I’ve returned to conducting assemblies at Lydgate Junior School. We took part in the Crosspool Festival with the Silent Film Evening. The new Vicar at St Columba and Stephen Hill Rev Tracey Morris, Steve Ellis and I are going to try and meet every 4 months to keep ecumenical conversations going in Crosspool.
After working at Sheffield Children’s Hospital for over 18 months I feel as if I’ve settled into a pattern of working for Tapton Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays and evenings as required. On average I meet up with 3 members of our fellowship for about 2 hours each, prepare 1 service, attend 1 group or meeting and spend a couple of hours on admin a week. As I’ve now got used to SCH and this new pattern and as we’ve emerged from the pandemic, I do feel it is time to do more. I want to be directed by the Spirit and Church as to what that ‘more’ for Tapton might look like. Our Church Away Morning has given me food for thought. There are strands that we can develop over the next few months. The desire to share faith stories and develop our collective prayer life came out very strongly as did the hope that we could be safe place together which would help us engage with the rest of the week.
Finally, as many of you know there has been a change in my personal circumstances this year and I bless you for upholding all the Nockels family and showing each of us such kindness.
All God’s blessings
Rev Suzanne Nockels
March 2023 AGM
This has been the first ‘normal’ year for a while and doesn’t seem that long since I wrote last year’s report which highlighted the transition between Covid times and opening up.
Since the last AGM Dot Davis unfortunately passed away. As Suzanne was on holiday I led the service at Hutcliffe Wood.
Church worship has continued with Suzanne leading the majority of Worship, with myself and a visiting preacher taking one Service per month. There is a mixture of fine musicianship on the organ and videos. Now for the first red flag, Suzanne has said her tenure is between seven and ten years. So maybe we need to think what’s next? Ministers and lay preachers are in ever reducing numbers, as are organists. Plus if the lay preacher path was one which Tapton went down organising them is quite a job.
Presently Worship and themes are very good and Suzanne and the visiting preachers are very good, but we need to be aware of the future.
As reported last time the building is 110 years old and in need of ongoing work. Thankfully over the years good stewardship has kept on top of major works and nothing has been left to rot which has needed a massive injection of cash.
During the year the main areas of development have been
Lighting and electrics, many thanks to Michael Cottyn for his time and expertise working to upgrade internal and external lighting and electrics. Undoubtedly this has saved the Church a lot of money and made great improvements.
Outside drains and fall pipes, many thanks to Graham Birch for the time spent with these, plus the other jobs Graham has done around the Church
The Tapton Hill Road corner was concreted using money from the Insurers, that Keith B sorted and a £1000 from the CF. This makes wheelchair access into the Church easier.
Thanks to Keith for ensuring a warm Church by working to have a new boiler installed. Plus a new oven to ensure food was warm.
Inside the Worship area things look a bit brighter following the redecoration. Following on from this there will be new carpet and the outside will be painted. This will give the Church a fresh look and may lead to greater use, and if not it will be brighter for the Tapton Congregation.
Together with the carpet, work needs to be done on the roof and a Defibrillator is to be fitted. Many thanks for the work undertaken by Keith N in helping the Church pick its way through from idea to being ready to purchase.
A great help towards the work and decorating was a gift of £36,000 from the closure of a Congregational Church in Brimmington, a sad way to acquire funds, but as was said in the agreement of acceptance, they need to be used for Congregational purposes.
There has been some fun stuff at Tapton this year;
Kite making for Pentecost
A very pleasant Sunday afternoon under Keith B’s gazebo with scones and tea
Silent film evening with live accompaniment
Bowling afternoon at the Crookes Club, many thanks to Kathryn and Michael for organising a great day.
We enjoyed a Wedding at Tapton in August
Trip to Scarborough for the NE Area Meet, plus a good day by the seaside with fish and chips
Tim and Natasha’s Wedding Blessing in N Yorks
May and December lunches at the Tavern
The Loxley Silver Band just before Christmas leading the Carol Service, unfortunately it was the worst day of the year for weather, but everyone enjoyed it and it broke even.
Plus there were the ongoing Church activities at Tapton, Table Tennis, Soup and Roll, Board Games.
Christmas was a good time at Tapton the excellently decorated front doors, many thanks to Tim and Natasha for providing a stunning work of art which lit the front of the Church up.
The 50th Anniversary of Congregational Federation was celebrated in December. We look forward to the next 50 years of the CF and Tapton
AGM 10th February 2022
Secretary's report
Darryl Lomas presented his report for the year;
Tapton lost three great friends this year. David Bradley, Muriel Turner and Muriel Kenny all were well loved and lit the room up with their wide smiles and will be sadly missed. The meeting held silence for these friends.
Tapton lost three great friends this year. David Bradley, Muriel Turner and Muriel Kenny all were well loved and lit the room up with their wide smiles and will be sadly missed. The meeting held silence for these friends.
The past twelve months
This report in some ways is a mirror of last years, but there have been significant happenings which I will hopefully note.
Firstly what hasn’t changed? The style of Worship has become what is euphemistically known as the new normal. It has taken a pandemic to shift Tapton from what Worship had looked like for a century into what it is today. And maybe without the pandemic there would have been no change. The covid protocol has remained current; this has frustrated people, as has the new style of Worship. But we have for two years kept the congregation safe and enabled them to Worship. Don’t forget as we sit in this meeting the pandemic is still with us, the day this was written there were 84,000 new cases. The measures will be kept in place, I am sorry to say I do not believe in the adage ‘We are a Church; God alone will protect us’. I believe in the thoughts of Oliver Cromwell, ‘Trust in the Lord and keep your powders dry.’
We did keep the Church open this year and held more services, with every Wednesday and two Sunday services per month. Wednesday continues to be very popular and is the new Tapton. The two Sundays essentially being for anyone who can’t make Wednesday. Whether every Sunday is desirable can be, and should be debated, but potentially nine services per month would stretch the elastic too far for volunteers.
Tapton received a huge affirmation when Suzanne Nockels took a Chaplains role at the Children’s Hospital and kept her position at Tapton. Suzanne has been a great strengthen, support, cheer leader and excellent minister to Tapton, we should not forget or belittle her role and as we sit in this meeting. It is well worth reflecting that Tapton is one of the few Churches in this area with a Minister.
This year saw the musician post at Tapton becoming a volunteer role with the organist of 30 years John Silverton subsequently moving to a new opportunity in Maltby. We thank John and wish him well in his new role. Since the change of direction with the music there has been a greater diversity of accompanying at services, with James Chapman excellent on the guitar.
It has to be acknowledged that being a Church is many things. Some parts i.e. the spiritual ones are covered by Suzanne, others of a more practical nature are covered by members of the Congregation who stick up their hands to do jobs. I give deep and genuine thanks and respect for the work Keith did as a Deacon before understandably passing the post on. He did the job tirelessly over the years. I do thank him for the hard work, dedication and stewardship in his role of Treasurer. The fact that this Church has a healthy balance is largely due to his attention to detail as a Treasurer.
The other two Deacons Joanne and Sheila have worked tirelessly in a difficult year, and I thank for their work, patience and good sense keeping the Church open.
An area which has moved very much into the forefront of Church life is Safeguarding. I thank Kathryn for stepping into the Safeguarding officer role. It has become vital for Churches to take this seriously to maintain CF Status.
Many of these jobs are just done and most people are none the wiser. The other aspect is that the list of jobs to do is growing. Partly due to the demands of society for a space that is open to the public, partly due to increased demands in Church World and partly because we are custodians of an antique building.
The building is 108 years old and obviously will show signs of wear. Given other groups use the building we have a moral and legal responsibility to keep the building in as good a condition as possible. We are blessed with Graham, Tim and Michael, who have quietly brought their skills to the Church and carried out repairs and upgrades helping to keep the building functioning and saving a lot of money.
There are many others this year who have given time, expertise and love to Tapton and helped it to get through a difficult year in a positive way. I thank you for the work you have done for the Lord.
Firstly what hasn’t changed? The style of Worship has become what is euphemistically known as the new normal. It has taken a pandemic to shift Tapton from what Worship had looked like for a century into what it is today. And maybe without the pandemic there would have been no change. The covid protocol has remained current; this has frustrated people, as has the new style of Worship. But we have for two years kept the congregation safe and enabled them to Worship. Don’t forget as we sit in this meeting the pandemic is still with us, the day this was written there were 84,000 new cases. The measures will be kept in place, I am sorry to say I do not believe in the adage ‘We are a Church; God alone will protect us’. I believe in the thoughts of Oliver Cromwell, ‘Trust in the Lord and keep your powders dry.’
We did keep the Church open this year and held more services, with every Wednesday and two Sunday services per month. Wednesday continues to be very popular and is the new Tapton. The two Sundays essentially being for anyone who can’t make Wednesday. Whether every Sunday is desirable can be, and should be debated, but potentially nine services per month would stretch the elastic too far for volunteers.
Tapton received a huge affirmation when Suzanne Nockels took a Chaplains role at the Children’s Hospital and kept her position at Tapton. Suzanne has been a great strengthen, support, cheer leader and excellent minister to Tapton, we should not forget or belittle her role and as we sit in this meeting. It is well worth reflecting that Tapton is one of the few Churches in this area with a Minister.
This year saw the musician post at Tapton becoming a volunteer role with the organist of 30 years John Silverton subsequently moving to a new opportunity in Maltby. We thank John and wish him well in his new role. Since the change of direction with the music there has been a greater diversity of accompanying at services, with James Chapman excellent on the guitar.
It has to be acknowledged that being a Church is many things. Some parts i.e. the spiritual ones are covered by Suzanne, others of a more practical nature are covered by members of the Congregation who stick up their hands to do jobs. I give deep and genuine thanks and respect for the work Keith did as a Deacon before understandably passing the post on. He did the job tirelessly over the years. I do thank him for the hard work, dedication and stewardship in his role of Treasurer. The fact that this Church has a healthy balance is largely due to his attention to detail as a Treasurer.
The other two Deacons Joanne and Sheila have worked tirelessly in a difficult year, and I thank for their work, patience and good sense keeping the Church open.
An area which has moved very much into the forefront of Church life is Safeguarding. I thank Kathryn for stepping into the Safeguarding officer role. It has become vital for Churches to take this seriously to maintain CF Status.
Many of these jobs are just done and most people are none the wiser. The other aspect is that the list of jobs to do is growing. Partly due to the demands of society for a space that is open to the public, partly due to increased demands in Church World and partly because we are custodians of an antique building.
The building is 108 years old and obviously will show signs of wear. Given other groups use the building we have a moral and legal responsibility to keep the building in as good a condition as possible. We are blessed with Graham, Tim and Michael, who have quietly brought their skills to the Church and carried out repairs and upgrades helping to keep the building functioning and saving a lot of money.
There are many others this year who have given time, expertise and love to Tapton and helped it to get through a difficult year in a positive way. I thank you for the work you have done for the Lord.
TO give some highlights of the year.
A Church newsletter was emailed out or posted through doors.
At the start of the year events were held on zoom, Burns night, pancake evening, Church meetings Mini Movez start a day session for kids on a Friday morning.
Church members took the CF recommended safeguarding training.
May Assembly had Suzanne instated as CF President, unfortunately on Zoom.
Church front doors had a wonderful Easter scene displayed on them.
Tapton became the Sheffield Church that Suzanne was Minister to.
Soup and Roll Club re started.
Suzanne’s Chaplaincy induction for the SCH is held at Tapton.
The Christmas display outside was fantastic, Tim and Natasha’s door display was outstanding.
The collections for Ben’s place, thanks to Bernie for the large sock and bag, Good News Home and Angel Tree.
Loxley Silver Band played a very successful Carol concert on 12th December.
I thank everyone for their work at Tapton over the last 12 months
At the start of the year events were held on zoom, Burns night, pancake evening, Church meetings Mini Movez start a day session for kids on a Friday morning.
Church members took the CF recommended safeguarding training.
May Assembly had Suzanne instated as CF President, unfortunately on Zoom.
Church front doors had a wonderful Easter scene displayed on them.
Tapton became the Sheffield Church that Suzanne was Minister to.
Soup and Roll Club re started.
Suzanne’s Chaplaincy induction for the SCH is held at Tapton.
The Christmas display outside was fantastic, Tim and Natasha’s door display was outstanding.
The collections for Ben’s place, thanks to Bernie for the large sock and bag, Good News Home and Angel Tree.
Loxley Silver Band played a very successful Carol concert on 12th December.
I thank everyone for their work at Tapton over the last 12 months
Minister's report
Suzanne presented her report for the Year.
Thank you to Darryl Lomas for all his work.
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. (John 15:15)
Friendship matters to Jesus. Jesus doesn’t just want followers but friends who knew what ‘he was about’. When I came to Tapton nearly eight years ago I naively said that it wasn’t my role to be friends with you all. I think that comment was about self-protection and the realisation that it is impossible to click with everyone. Inevitably, I have not been about to stick to that, and I hope some of you, at least, count me as a friend. It has been our friendship through Christ that has kept us connected through the lockdowns. We have wept with grieving friends, rejoiced when we could meet socially again and when friendships became strained, we felt the pain of that.
This year I will not forget the friends of Dave Bradley and the way they spoke of him.
I will not forget your support as I was inducted as a hospital chaplain. It was wonderful that you were generous and not threatened by a new position coming alongside what I do at Tapton. I will remember the countless meaningful conversations on the phone, in gardens, pubs and walking round the block.
I read an article recently called ‘the lonely crowd’ and it was about how people left Churches because they couldn’t find friends there. This isn’t about people being nice or hospitable, they were that, but the inability to form deeper relationships. Conversations were about the weather or what was on TV but never moved beyond that. In the 1950s, sociologist David Riesman coined the term “the lonely crowd,” in part to describe collectives of people who live according to common traditions and conforming values, but who barely know or like each other. I hope Tapton never becomes ‘a lonely crowd’.
In 1985 there was a survey that asked, ‘over the last six months, who are the people with whom you discussed matters important to you?’. On average people mentioned three friends. In 2004 the same question was asked. This time the average number was….zero. The researcher Lieberman concluded that ‘One in four of us is walking with no one to share our lives with’. At SCH I have seen the importance of parents having a friend, a listening ear and caring heart, at the most difficult time of their lives.
What I missed most during the past eighteen months was simple, natural friendship. With all the rules, things became stilted or difficult. Can I visit? Can we go out to eat? Can we hug? Can we hold very difference views about what is happening but still cherish one another? Surprisingly, and I can only put it down to the grace of God, we have grown as a congregation over this time. Last Wednesday I noticed that half the congregation have arrived in the last two years. I think people have found us to be friendly but more than that they have found us to be genuine Christian friends.
Friendship is not a given, it takes time and effort. To give someone your full attention is a skill and at times it asks a lot of us. It’s also difficult to be a friend with someone who never shares themselves with you. Being open and vulnerable is never easy, especially if we think we have to be Christian super-heroes and keep it all in. Friendship requires time to be set aside, apparently enduring friendships need people to touch base every 15 days.
So…..I want us in the next twelve months to prioritise our friendships. Let’s not over-programme and do lots of things but ‘be’ together. If I spend more time working at Tapton it will be to deepen existing friendships and forge new ones.
Of course, a Church is not the same as a social club, but it is only when we can relax together that we can talk honestly about joys and difficulties of our faith. Is there a measure for what I am talking about? My dream is that everyone would be able to name at least 1 or 2 close friends in the Church. Neither do I want to ignore the missional side of things but I increasingly believe that mission beings with friendship. Let’s make our friendships outside the congregation a priority too.
I understand that Darryl’s report gives a chronology of the year, so this has been more of a meditation. I must, however, thank you all, especially the Deacons, Officers and post holders. Tapton would not be what it is without you.
All God’s blessings.
Suzanne Nockels
Thank you to Darryl Lomas for all his work.
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. (John 15:15)
Friendship matters to Jesus. Jesus doesn’t just want followers but friends who knew what ‘he was about’. When I came to Tapton nearly eight years ago I naively said that it wasn’t my role to be friends with you all. I think that comment was about self-protection and the realisation that it is impossible to click with everyone. Inevitably, I have not been about to stick to that, and I hope some of you, at least, count me as a friend. It has been our friendship through Christ that has kept us connected through the lockdowns. We have wept with grieving friends, rejoiced when we could meet socially again and when friendships became strained, we felt the pain of that.
This year I will not forget the friends of Dave Bradley and the way they spoke of him.
I will not forget your support as I was inducted as a hospital chaplain. It was wonderful that you were generous and not threatened by a new position coming alongside what I do at Tapton. I will remember the countless meaningful conversations on the phone, in gardens, pubs and walking round the block.
I read an article recently called ‘the lonely crowd’ and it was about how people left Churches because they couldn’t find friends there. This isn’t about people being nice or hospitable, they were that, but the inability to form deeper relationships. Conversations were about the weather or what was on TV but never moved beyond that. In the 1950s, sociologist David Riesman coined the term “the lonely crowd,” in part to describe collectives of people who live according to common traditions and conforming values, but who barely know or like each other. I hope Tapton never becomes ‘a lonely crowd’.
In 1985 there was a survey that asked, ‘over the last six months, who are the people with whom you discussed matters important to you?’. On average people mentioned three friends. In 2004 the same question was asked. This time the average number was….zero. The researcher Lieberman concluded that ‘One in four of us is walking with no one to share our lives with’. At SCH I have seen the importance of parents having a friend, a listening ear and caring heart, at the most difficult time of their lives.
What I missed most during the past eighteen months was simple, natural friendship. With all the rules, things became stilted or difficult. Can I visit? Can we go out to eat? Can we hug? Can we hold very difference views about what is happening but still cherish one another? Surprisingly, and I can only put it down to the grace of God, we have grown as a congregation over this time. Last Wednesday I noticed that half the congregation have arrived in the last two years. I think people have found us to be friendly but more than that they have found us to be genuine Christian friends.
Friendship is not a given, it takes time and effort. To give someone your full attention is a skill and at times it asks a lot of us. It’s also difficult to be a friend with someone who never shares themselves with you. Being open and vulnerable is never easy, especially if we think we have to be Christian super-heroes and keep it all in. Friendship requires time to be set aside, apparently enduring friendships need people to touch base every 15 days.
So…..I want us in the next twelve months to prioritise our friendships. Let’s not over-programme and do lots of things but ‘be’ together. If I spend more time working at Tapton it will be to deepen existing friendships and forge new ones.
Of course, a Church is not the same as a social club, but it is only when we can relax together that we can talk honestly about joys and difficulties of our faith. Is there a measure for what I am talking about? My dream is that everyone would be able to name at least 1 or 2 close friends in the Church. Neither do I want to ignore the missional side of things but I increasingly believe that mission beings with friendship. Let’s make our friendships outside the congregation a priority too.
I understand that Darryl’s report gives a chronology of the year, so this has been more of a meditation. I must, however, thank you all, especially the Deacons, Officers and post holders. Tapton would not be what it is without you.
All God’s blessings.
Suzanne Nockels
AGM 12th February 2019
Minister's Report
‘If you remain me and I in you, you will bear much fruit’ (John 15:5)
I am a serial forager. I love going for walks and picking berries and leaves that I know I can use and eat. I enjoy-fruit spotting. So where is our ‘fruit’ at Tapton Congregational Church? Have you spotted it?
On Sunday afternoons we have seen a growth in numbers of those joining us to worship (about 20% growth by my calculations) and we were delighted to welcome Verna as a Church member this year.
Our special services over Easter, Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas have all been well attended and there has been the blessing of Lego Church (where over 30+ people join together in worship) and Afternoon Tea Church. Thank you to all of you who took the call to issue invitations seriously. It certainly bore fruit. Our challenge for 2019 is to keep connected and minister to those that come to these two gatherings.
I think we have also seen growth in way that are not numerical. People are taking on new roles and responsibilities; for example, Delia Hope now leads some of our intercessions and Darryl Lomas has taken over as pulpit secretary and put a lot of work into gathering new names. We look forward to greeting new friends as well as old in the coming year. My thanks go to Mary Coates who has looked after this for many years. After the last AGM we instituted the prayer-book for intercessions and it has meant that everyone can bring those they are concerned about into our weekly prayers. Our worship is becoming more participative and the new digital projector has given us options for film, visual aids and new hymnody. While it has taken a little getting used to and experimentation I do thank you for being willing to embrace something new.
We instituted a new constitution this year. Again, it will take a while to follow its implications through and we are still learning. The nominations process for this AGM was a little rushed. We will be better prepared next year. We still have yet to have full a Trustees Meeting- one of the aims for 2019.
I have been particularly pleased about our level of giving to outside charities. The Advent boxes for Ben’s Centre and the Good News home was simply astonishing. I think we nearly filled them in one week! Thank you to everyone who gave or organised this.
Our Church’s role within Crosspool grows from strength to strength. The idea of a commemorative stone to be a focus for grief, peace and collective remembrance of times of war was warmly received by people outside our fellowship. It is hoped that it will be in place and dedicated on June 28th by Rev Iain Lothian. I will be undertaking a sponsored walk to help raise funds during Lent. We also continue to play our part in the Crosspool Festival. We hope to host a tea after one of the history walks, a talk by a community archaeologist from Sheffield University and a Lego challenge. I will be leading and organising the closing picnic service. Alison McFarlane and I still lead assemblies at Lydgate Junior and I will be spending a day going into classrooms explaining what Easter means to Christians. We are warmly welcomed by King’s Court and Porterbrook. I helped the latter make donations to the SARAS charity and Porterbrook now have monthly worship services. Occasionally, I have a person to visit in connection with the Manchester Road Surgery. While it is good to think about the visibility of the building, I do think it cannot compensate for the visibility of our own folk getting involved with what Crosspool cares about. I have made a mental note to try and get to Crosspool Forum Meetings if I can.
Our links with other local Churches are positive. Lent groups are being planned on an ecumenical basis and the prayer stations event was well attended. The pulpit swap for the ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’ generally went well. It will be great to host an ecumenical service on Good Friday as part of the pilgrimage walk. We joined our sister church Hillsborough Tabernacle for Maundy Thursday and Pentecost and it was pleasing to see a cross-over of congregations at the Christmas services. I think there is more socially we could do together (see below).
I think we are playing our part within the wider Congregational Federation family with Keith Bradley heavily involved on an area and national level. This year we hosted the North East Area Assembly which I think gave both Sheffield Churches a deeper appreciation of what the Area does and could do.
We had a presidential visit from Rev Martin Spain and Rev Janet Wootton will be leading our Church Anniversary in December. Over the past year I have visited Scunthorpe, Cheltenham and will soon be visiting Bunyan Congregational Church for their Church Anniversary. I am also back teaching on the Federation’s Integrated Training Course. While, I disagreed and felt aggrieved about some national decisions that were taken two years ago, the year away from CF related work was a healing and fruitful time. I have come to the conclusion that it is better to work from within than without and I did make a commitment to the CF in my induction vows and they still stand. I do think that the CF might benefit from a ‘jobbing’ Church leader being in the role and I have always had an affection for local Churches.
Taking all this into account and your rightful reservations I have allowed my name to go forward for election as CF President.
It has not all been joy and gladness this year- it can never be. Two dear members, Joyce Schofield and Audrey Pask have gone to glory. Our organ has also reached a critical state of disrepair. We hope to fix the bellows soon but the rest will require grant applications and fundraising. We do need a team to help with this and some imagination because a large sum is required. We must think of ways that our music ministry can reach beyond our walls because, while the organ is special to us, it would be self-indulgent if we raised money simply for a favourable worship experience for one hour a week. It must go hand in hand with outreach and giving beyond ourselves.
It is difficult to sustain a theme and go really deeply into a subject on Sundays because I am not in the pulpit every week. The ‘Up-rising’ series was OK but I still need to develop the link with social media and making connections during the week. Any ideas? Thinking ahead, I want to relate worship and the Bible Studies I lead ever more closely with our lived experience as Christian people in this generation. Our Lent service theme will be on reconciliation and Bible studies on the six marks of fruitful living as Christians. I would also like to prepare an Eastertide social programme with Hillsborough Tabernacle that focuses on ‘joy’- simple activities that encourage delight e.g. crafts, food and a prayer retreat. Do you think this is a good idea?
My thanks go to the Deacons for their support and all the work they do behind the scenes.
Where have you spotted fruitfulness?
How can increase the yield even further?
Where are branches a bit barren?
Where is there a danger that we ignore a bush laden with fruit in favour of something else?
I am a serial forager. I love going for walks and picking berries and leaves that I know I can use and eat. I enjoy-fruit spotting. So where is our ‘fruit’ at Tapton Congregational Church? Have you spotted it?
On Sunday afternoons we have seen a growth in numbers of those joining us to worship (about 20% growth by my calculations) and we were delighted to welcome Verna as a Church member this year.
Our special services over Easter, Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas have all been well attended and there has been the blessing of Lego Church (where over 30+ people join together in worship) and Afternoon Tea Church. Thank you to all of you who took the call to issue invitations seriously. It certainly bore fruit. Our challenge for 2019 is to keep connected and minister to those that come to these two gatherings.
I think we have also seen growth in way that are not numerical. People are taking on new roles and responsibilities; for example, Delia Hope now leads some of our intercessions and Darryl Lomas has taken over as pulpit secretary and put a lot of work into gathering new names. We look forward to greeting new friends as well as old in the coming year. My thanks go to Mary Coates who has looked after this for many years. After the last AGM we instituted the prayer-book for intercessions and it has meant that everyone can bring those they are concerned about into our weekly prayers. Our worship is becoming more participative and the new digital projector has given us options for film, visual aids and new hymnody. While it has taken a little getting used to and experimentation I do thank you for being willing to embrace something new.
We instituted a new constitution this year. Again, it will take a while to follow its implications through and we are still learning. The nominations process for this AGM was a little rushed. We will be better prepared next year. We still have yet to have full a Trustees Meeting- one of the aims for 2019.
I have been particularly pleased about our level of giving to outside charities. The Advent boxes for Ben’s Centre and the Good News home was simply astonishing. I think we nearly filled them in one week! Thank you to everyone who gave or organised this.
Our Church’s role within Crosspool grows from strength to strength. The idea of a commemorative stone to be a focus for grief, peace and collective remembrance of times of war was warmly received by people outside our fellowship. It is hoped that it will be in place and dedicated on June 28th by Rev Iain Lothian. I will be undertaking a sponsored walk to help raise funds during Lent. We also continue to play our part in the Crosspool Festival. We hope to host a tea after one of the history walks, a talk by a community archaeologist from Sheffield University and a Lego challenge. I will be leading and organising the closing picnic service. Alison McFarlane and I still lead assemblies at Lydgate Junior and I will be spending a day going into classrooms explaining what Easter means to Christians. We are warmly welcomed by King’s Court and Porterbrook. I helped the latter make donations to the SARAS charity and Porterbrook now have monthly worship services. Occasionally, I have a person to visit in connection with the Manchester Road Surgery. While it is good to think about the visibility of the building, I do think it cannot compensate for the visibility of our own folk getting involved with what Crosspool cares about. I have made a mental note to try and get to Crosspool Forum Meetings if I can.
Our links with other local Churches are positive. Lent groups are being planned on an ecumenical basis and the prayer stations event was well attended. The pulpit swap for the ‘Week of Prayer for Christian Unity’ generally went well. It will be great to host an ecumenical service on Good Friday as part of the pilgrimage walk. We joined our sister church Hillsborough Tabernacle for Maundy Thursday and Pentecost and it was pleasing to see a cross-over of congregations at the Christmas services. I think there is more socially we could do together (see below).
I think we are playing our part within the wider Congregational Federation family with Keith Bradley heavily involved on an area and national level. This year we hosted the North East Area Assembly which I think gave both Sheffield Churches a deeper appreciation of what the Area does and could do.
We had a presidential visit from Rev Martin Spain and Rev Janet Wootton will be leading our Church Anniversary in December. Over the past year I have visited Scunthorpe, Cheltenham and will soon be visiting Bunyan Congregational Church for their Church Anniversary. I am also back teaching on the Federation’s Integrated Training Course. While, I disagreed and felt aggrieved about some national decisions that were taken two years ago, the year away from CF related work was a healing and fruitful time. I have come to the conclusion that it is better to work from within than without and I did make a commitment to the CF in my induction vows and they still stand. I do think that the CF might benefit from a ‘jobbing’ Church leader being in the role and I have always had an affection for local Churches.
Taking all this into account and your rightful reservations I have allowed my name to go forward for election as CF President.
It has not all been joy and gladness this year- it can never be. Two dear members, Joyce Schofield and Audrey Pask have gone to glory. Our organ has also reached a critical state of disrepair. We hope to fix the bellows soon but the rest will require grant applications and fundraising. We do need a team to help with this and some imagination because a large sum is required. We must think of ways that our music ministry can reach beyond our walls because, while the organ is special to us, it would be self-indulgent if we raised money simply for a favourable worship experience for one hour a week. It must go hand in hand with outreach and giving beyond ourselves.
It is difficult to sustain a theme and go really deeply into a subject on Sundays because I am not in the pulpit every week. The ‘Up-rising’ series was OK but I still need to develop the link with social media and making connections during the week. Any ideas? Thinking ahead, I want to relate worship and the Bible Studies I lead ever more closely with our lived experience as Christian people in this generation. Our Lent service theme will be on reconciliation and Bible studies on the six marks of fruitful living as Christians. I would also like to prepare an Eastertide social programme with Hillsborough Tabernacle that focuses on ‘joy’- simple activities that encourage delight e.g. crafts, food and a prayer retreat. Do you think this is a good idea?
My thanks go to the Deacons for their support and all the work they do behind the scenes.
Where have you spotted fruitfulness?
How can increase the yield even further?
Where are branches a bit barren?
Where is there a danger that we ignore a bush laden with fruit in favour of something else?
Sectretary's report
Looking back over the past twelve months the striking feature is how busy the Church has become and how full the Church diary is. It is not solely filled with Church activities, though these are numerous, but with many varying happenings which originate from the Church.
This is positive and I would say that the Church both in a fabric, goings on and Spiritual sense is in a healthy position. As with most small independent Churches we would like a few more souls worshipping on a Sunday, but we have seen a measured increase in this over the past twelve months. It would also be nice to see a lowering of the Congregations age profile, but this is not essential as all are welcome and the wider Church must provide a place for all people and not be obsessed with twenty somethings.
In this report I would like to recognise the work of Mary Coates as Pulpit Secretary. To book and arrange the Pulpit as she has done for many years via telephone and mail is a great feat, particularly as for many years Tapton was without a Minister so Mary had to fill fifty two weeks of preachers. Many thanks Mary for your sterling work.
A major event in the year was the celebration of Muriel Kenney’s One Hundredth Birthday. This was done with a Cuppa surrounded by family in the Schoolroom and later when Muriel proudly brought her letter from Her Majesty, The Queen. A wonderful event in our Church life.
This year a Tapton we unfortunately said goodbye to Audrey Pask and Joyce Schofield, who both passed away in June. Both funeral services were scheduled for the afternoon of Friday 29th June, which necessitated Suzanne Nockels leading Audrey’s and Darryl Lomas being the Celebrant at Joyce’s
Coming through the doors for the first time this year has seen, Verna, Moira, Doreen, Pat, Bernie, Luciene, Russell, John and Andrew. They are most welcome to Tapton and trust they will enjoy worshipping here with us for many years.
Others did enjoy Afternoon Tea Church and Lego Church which will be mentioned later.
This is positive and I would say that the Church both in a fabric, goings on and Spiritual sense is in a healthy position. As with most small independent Churches we would like a few more souls worshipping on a Sunday, but we have seen a measured increase in this over the past twelve months. It would also be nice to see a lowering of the Congregations age profile, but this is not essential as all are welcome and the wider Church must provide a place for all people and not be obsessed with twenty somethings.
In this report I would like to recognise the work of Mary Coates as Pulpit Secretary. To book and arrange the Pulpit as she has done for many years via telephone and mail is a great feat, particularly as for many years Tapton was without a Minister so Mary had to fill fifty two weeks of preachers. Many thanks Mary for your sterling work.
A major event in the year was the celebration of Muriel Kenney’s One Hundredth Birthday. This was done with a Cuppa surrounded by family in the Schoolroom and later when Muriel proudly brought her letter from Her Majesty, The Queen. A wonderful event in our Church life.
This year a Tapton we unfortunately said goodbye to Audrey Pask and Joyce Schofield, who both passed away in June. Both funeral services were scheduled for the afternoon of Friday 29th June, which necessitated Suzanne Nockels leading Audrey’s and Darryl Lomas being the Celebrant at Joyce’s
Coming through the doors for the first time this year has seen, Verna, Moira, Doreen, Pat, Bernie, Luciene, Russell, John and Andrew. They are most welcome to Tapton and trust they will enjoy worshipping here with us for many years.
Others did enjoy Afternoon Tea Church and Lego Church which will be mentioned later.
Church Activities
This is the primary function of the Church, be that as in the people or building. It is worth listing the activities to give an idea of what happens at Tapton over a twelve month period, both for the present Congregation and future Congregations.
- Sunday Services, we are fortunate that in the main these are led by Suzanne Nockels. A Minister with passion and great talent
- Communion, an integral part of our Faith taken first Sunday of each month
- Special services, Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday, Harvest and the hundredth anniversary of the end of the First World War memorial service celebrated in Church
- A Lent time was spent with other Churches in Crosspool
- An Afternoon Tea Church was introduced with thanks to Joanne and Andrea. This is to compliment the usual Sunday Afternoon Worship and attracted over thirty people with a number of new faces.
- Lego Church continued to be popular, we now see one at Wesley Hall. Nice to see our initiatives spread to other Churches.
- Bible Studies are interesting and thought provoking.
- On alternate Wednesdays to Bible Study, Bat and Chat nights give fellowship and exercise. It’s good to open the Church doors and people just meet chat and relax.
- Special meals, celebrating Maundy Thursday and Thanks giving were organised by Suzanne and greatly enjoyed. As was one to highlight Christian work in India. A more secular one was enjoyed at Suzanne’s to celebrate Burns Night
- Soup and Roll Club continues to flourish with a varied array of entertainment from Elvis to Bingo.
- More social time is spent once a month at the Crosspool Tavern, were members meet and have a good old natter, hopefully as our congregation grows so will all of our social gatherings.
- In July our Treasurer and Congregational Federation NE Area Chair Keith Bradley organised an Area Day in Saltaire. A mini bus from Tapton was organised and everyone had a great day out. Thanks to Keith for organising the day.
- A couple of Coffee Afternoons were organised, these were very pleasant affairs were Tapton opened its doors. A coffee morning was held to raise money for charity with the sale of Joyce Schofield’s effects.
- An idea ‘borrowed’ from the Congregationalist was the erection of an Advent wall during December. This was a structure of twenty four boxes, kindly supplied by Suzanne’s Dad and decorated by Bernie. The idea being that Church users brought small gifts which were given to Good News Family Care and Ben's Centre after Christmas. This was a very well supported initiative.
- To round the Year off a very pleasant wander was held from Endcliffe to Forge Dam.
- The last point under Church activities is to emphasise we are a Congregationalist Church and Church Meetings (CM) are paramount in the life of the Church, we held eleven, including the AGM (summer is exempt). It is of vital importance as the CM is a big part of the Worship and Fellowship of the Church.
Tapton in the community
Tapton does have a role to play in the Community with people coming through the doors for an event which shows we are alive as a Church and Tapton members with outreach
- The Crosspool Carnival was well served with;
- Suzanne Nockels playing a big part in the organisation
- The support to the Well Dressing
- A cuppa at the end of the History Walk
- Hosting the Pankhurst talk
- Showing of the Suffragette Film
- Manning stalls at the Coldwell Lane Carnival
- John Silverton’s Organ Recital at St Francis Church
- Collections for the S6 Food bank, walking and helping the CA Walk and collections at after Service cuppas have been some of the Charitable endeavours
- Harvest Service at Kings Court
- Harvest and Christmas at Porter brook
- Dan Eaton gave a talk on Crosspool and Crookes in World War One as part of the 100 year Armistices of World War One
- The Church has been involved in the planning of a Memorial ‘for all those affected by Conflict’ for Crosspool to be erected in the Church grounds
- A play, the Disappearance of Eliza Grey, tackling issues surrounding dementia was held in the Church
- In December the Loxley Silver Band hosted an entertaining evening of carols and other festive music.
- Tapton Personnel have been active in
- NE Area of Congregational Federation, of which Keith Bradley is Chair.
- Care in Crosspool, of which Andrea Birch is Chair
- Hallam Council of Churches
- Crosspool Churches Soup Kitchen
- Lay preaching at local Churches
- Hallam Churches Pulpit Swap
- Tapton was involved in joint Services with Hillsborough Tabs and Crosspool Churches
- Suzanne undertook Chaplaincy duties at the Crosspool surgery
- Links with Lydgate School were maintained
There are others who use our Church, we see them as partner’s not just tenants
- Greek Orthodox Church, relationships have developed with the GOC. It is interesting the variety of ideas they have from Brexit talks to schools to dancing to cooking but they are very good fellow worshippers and we welcome them.
- RASCALS, using the building for Breakfast Pre School Club and After School club. A very good relationship with RASCALS hosting a fab Christmas party and decorating the Church for the Christmas season.
- Table Tennis continues to grow with two teams in the Sheffield Table Tennis League
- The Church has also been used sporadically for Karate
Although the people and spiritual side of Church life is important it is also important to ensure the fabric of the building is kept in good order. In the past year the following have been addressed;
- The Porch was re-designed and brightened with a magnetic back drop allowing for displays to be erected
- To further enhance the entrance the solid wooden doors are to be replaced with glass ones and a new artistic Welcome sign displayed
- A video projector was installed in the Church
- Major repairs to the Organ have taken first steps.
- The Kitchen was inspected by the Local authority and passed as, ‘good’
- The Church was inspected by a SY Fire Officer and passed with no major issues
It has been an enjoyable and busy year at Tapton Hill Congregational Church. Everyone has been busy and the Church has progressed on each area.
However the usual concern. Margaret Well’s Church at Intake is closing as they lost key officers and those remaining found carrying on too hard. I am not suggesting this will happen at Tapton but should Suzanne become CF President more pressure will come on those left.
Tapton is no different to many small independent Churches struggling with buildings, administration and less than ideal Congregation sizes. There are lots of great ideas to move forwards and upwards but these take resource, time and money. It may be we need to look to buy expertise in to move forward, Lego Church, Afternoon Church and Soup and Roll Club are great examples of doing something different. It is by doing something different we will survive and thrive.
However the usual concern. Margaret Well’s Church at Intake is closing as they lost key officers and those remaining found carrying on too hard. I am not suggesting this will happen at Tapton but should Suzanne become CF President more pressure will come on those left.
Tapton is no different to many small independent Churches struggling with buildings, administration and less than ideal Congregation sizes. There are lots of great ideas to move forwards and upwards but these take resource, time and money. It may be we need to look to buy expertise in to move forward, Lego Church, Afternoon Church and Soup and Roll Club are great examples of doing something different. It is by doing something different we will survive and thrive.